Our Books

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Secrets Mothers Keep

A brutal murder occurs on an isolated farm in the 1920s Western Australia and the victim's wife and children are violently abused, scandalising the whole country. Three lives are entwined, the killer has no motivation but admits his guilt, and the abused wife has to rebuild her shattered life.
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Wishes For Starlight

Starlight is a mixed blood, deaf mute Aboriginal who lived over the period 1889 - 1930s. The plight of the Aboriginal is shown through the prism of the discrimination and racism of the time; the imposition of the 1905 Aborigines Act, the establishment of Aboriginal reserves and the gradual removal of rights from Aboriginal people.
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The Apple Core Wars

The latest book by Linda J. Bettenay.
The story of Second World War soldiers Jacky Bellamy and Charlie Parkin. As children growing up in neighbouring farming communities, Jacky is Charlie's sworn enemy. Their rivalry is magnified as they compete for the attentions of the beautiful, enigmatic and headstrong Stella Cerini.
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I just wanted to let you know that I have just finished reading 'The Apple Core Wars' and I absolutely loved it. You have such a talent. I must confess I am left a bit saddened - I just want to know more about these characters. They have got under my skin. So will there be a fourth book?
All the best.
Beth Woodland, Busselton

Yesterday I finished reading The Apple Core Wars - it is a wonderful tale. As I got deeper into the story I was waking in the middle of the night to read some more. I must confess to shedding a few tears. Your characters will stay with me for a long time. 
You must have done an amazing amount of research. All three of Linda J Bettenay's books deserve to be out there and being read by a lot more people.
Tess Earnshaw, Subiaco

 I have just finished 'The Apple Core Wars' and what a great read it was. A tour-de-force of the strength of the human spirit during wartime and suffering. It was very difficult to put down and I can’t wait for your next offering. Go Linda!
Tim Hodgkins, Greenwood