
Linda J Bettenay - Biography

These books are written by Linda J Bettenay, who  writes under her birth name.

Linda was born in Roleystone, into a pioneering orcharding family who have farmed the land since 1901 and have lived in the area since 1895.

Linda’s current occupation is owner and editor of a community magazine, The Roleystone Courier This monthly publication has existed in Roleystone since 1977 and, along with her husband Mike, Linda has owned and operated this business since January 2008. This is a labour of love, providing a much loved and important method of communication to this delightful rural community.

Linda and Mike

Linda & Mike

Linda's stimulus to write her first novel has come from the discovery of an amazing, true story of an event in her husband's family. This story was kept secret from the family over the years and was only recently uncovered.

'Secrets Mothers Keep', 'Wishes For Starlight' and 'The Apple Core Wars' make up the 'Secrets Series', fictionalised stories based in the rich history of Western Australia.